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Some Of The Most Bizarre Experiments In History

These are Josef Mengele stuff that made me feel sick. Horrified. Along with the poor monkey who’s head was reattached to another body. Thank God it died shortly after. How awful to survive that. Also, there are many different experiments people did through the history. While researching “mad scientist’s” lab it made me think of people who did this. What was it, a pure scientific curiosity or something else? Some of the experiments I can comprehend and somehow justify. If an experiment on poor dog will help in saving many people I will support, but some of the experiments makes you wonder. Why the hell would someone do this?
These are just the experiments we know about. Who knows what other Nazi torture stuff has been done. Car companies used to use dogs and pigs as crash test dummies until PETA got involved and petitioned. Can you imagine how many experiments there were done which never reached the scientific fame.

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