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Wonderful Benefits of Honeybush Tea

Tea is simply amaze. But honeybush tea? Girl, that’s double amaze. It’s fruity, it’s aromatic and it’s colourful.

Honey bush tea is a herbal tea, and as we all know, herbal teas are all the rage right now. From your best friend to your yoga instructor to even your mom – everyone is sipping them!

As we know, all herbal teas are magic that are loaded with plenty of health benefits. If you’ve been a tad curious to find out how honeybush tea in particular can benefit you, Beauty and Tips has got all the answers. Let’s take a look!

Benefits of the wonderful honeybush tea:

Honeybush Tea is Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants are powerful things that combat free radicals that are swimming around your body. Free radicals themselves are rogue molecules that are intent on doing as much damage as they can. They can cause so many things, from acne to cancer!

As well as powerful antioxidants, honeybush tea is also rich in lots of minerals such as copper and potassium. It contains plenty of iron too, which makes it one of the most nutritious warm drinks on the planet!

Honeybush Tea Can Boost the Metabolism

We know a thing or two about a slow metabolism. When your metabolism is slow, you feel sluggish. Low on energy, you also notice that you’re gaining weight.

On the flipside, a faster metabolism allows your body to burn fat faster, which helps you to maintain a healthy body weight.

If your metabolism is a tad too slow for your liking at the moment, there are a few things you can do to speed things up. One of those things is to drink 2 cups of honeybush tea each day. This hot beverage speeds up your body’s metabolism rate, which can help you reach your weight loss goals. Win!

Honeybush Tea Can Soothe the Menopause symptoms

Anyone who goes through the menopause will tell you that it isn’t nice! It causes all kinds of strange things to happen to a woman’s body, from random hot flushes to excess sweating.

It can last a long time too, and a woman needs all the help she can get.

Honeybush tea can relieve the effects of the menopause because it contains key antioxidants that are actually used in the treatment of the menopause by specialists.

Honeybush Tea Can Treat a Cold

How nasty are colds?! While they aren’t even remotely life threatening, and while they tend to clear up within a week or so, they sure as heck make us feel as lousy as possible while they’re here!

At Beauty and Tips, we hate colds and we’re always on the lookout for things that can make them go away as fast as possible. One of these ace remedies is honeybush tea.

The reason honeybush tea is is so effective at fighting the common cold is because it contains antibacterial agent that allow it to combat germs and that horrible gross feeling that comes with a cold.

Honeybush Tea Looks After the Liver

Our liver is a pretty darn important organ, and yet so many of us take it for granted. Once your liver starts to break down, you’ll feel pretty lousy!

Because the liver performs so many key functions, it’s a good idea to give it all the help it wants/needs. This includes drinking more honeybush tea.

Honeybush Tea Looks Repairs Skin Damage

If you love the sun (or worship it!), you’ve probably spent a bit of time soaking up its rays and getting tanned/burned. While that’s kinda nice and relaxing at the time, the sun’s rays are pretty vicious – and they can harm your skin.

Sunburn is nasty , and once your skin has been damaged a few times, you might find yourself ageing faster than you’d like.

Honeybush tea can help to reverse the damage caused by the sun. It protects your skin when its leaves are applied topically to any damaged areas, modulating cell proliferation and inflammation.

Honeybush Tea Can Soothe a PoorlyTummy

From time to time, we all suffer from some sort of tummy trouble. Some of us seem to be plagued with stomach problems ALL the time. From excess gas to bloating, it’s annoying.

Doctors are used to it, and indigestion is one of the most common reasons we go to see our local doctor.

However, there are ways to treat your stomach and intestinal problems at home. If you regularly struggle with indigestion, it might be a good idea to give honeybush tea a go to see if that will do the trick. Drink 2 – 3 cups per day and see if you start to feel better down there.

Honeybush Tea Can Improve Diabetes Symptoms

Anyone living with diabetes will know that living with the disease isn’t easy. Although you can still enjoy an amazing life, there can still be trouble ahead when your blood sugar levels spike.

The good news is that drinking a few cups of of honeybush tea a day can help to improve your symptoms. This is because it contains a substance called pinitol, which has been studied for its blood sugar-lowering effects.

Indeed, pinitol is actually under consideration as a drug for diabetes as we write this.

Honeybush Tea Can Prevent Cancer

We’re not going to sit here and tell you that you’ll never have cancer if you drink honeybush tea – that would be foolish. But honeybush tea can reduce your risk, which is amazing.

This is because honeybush tea – like many other herbal teas – contains cancer-stopping agents, such as tumoricidal. As its name might suggest, this substance destroys tumour cells before they spiral out of control and turn into full-on cancer.

Drinking 2-3 cups of honeybush tea per day, then, is a good idea.

Honeybush Tea Helps you Sleep

Lastly, if you’re having trouble sleeping you should probably consider drinking more honeybush tea. This fruity herbal tea helps your body to relax, thereby priming you for a great night of zzz’s.

Stay happy and healthy!

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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