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TO GO: Topshop Unique Heels

 I am gutted.

So as part of my moving, I am trying to condense down my massive collection of stuff. Some of it I will not miss like my 300 odd DVDs from when I worked in a DVD rental place. However, some of it like these shoes - I will miss.

I still remember when I got these. It was 2009 and I was doing drag. I wore them a few times to WAX at SPY back in the day. I loved them and I still love them. However, our time is up.


Back in 2012 I had a car accident that left me totally unable to walk in heels. Which means I am now opening my massive collection of Irregular Choice heels for sale as well. Although that is going to take some time for me to come to terms with. I am heartbroken to say goodbye.

I placed these heels on ebay this morning for £10. A big hit on the original price tag which was over €60 in Topshop Unique in Dublin.

Gutted but I just want them to go to a good home.

 I appreciate the heel is MASSIVE but to be fair, the wedge style of the shoe makes it super easy to walk in. Well, super easy unless you have a cracked bone in your pelvis like me. GOD DAMN THAT CAR. I'm a size 8 although these could take a 9 due to the style.

I have placed it here : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=252786683104 if anyone wants to take a look.
Please people.....treat them well. Love them as I have.....

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