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Kylie Jenner "FIRED" Assistant For Liking Jordyn Woods Photo

Kylie Jenner fires her longtime assistant after she liked a Jordyn Woods photo and Kylie is not here for anymore Jordan woods drama:


Moments of the week here at the fabulous pearls rooftop. You guys know Victoria is her friend assistant kind of stepped in the place of Jordyn after Jordyn was ex absolutely. She said in the picture, “oh I don't want to say as long as Jordyn” but she came into like second best. She entered with Chris and then Chris is like, “why don't you go be Kylie's assistant slash best friend”.  When she needs one and the friendship was born. The friendship got stronger when Jordyn was exiled.


Now we can tell you exclusively according to the reports, we have been told on March 15 yes Victoria has been fired. Oh highly mother-effing Jenna, I was shook when I heard this one just because she has been around for so long. Kylie is doing a mass exodus of everyone from her life up one by one. I am not surprised because I mean which one of the Kardashian friends are telling all of the news outlet all of their business. No, I am just saying I just find it very strange, that there is always some soy scum out from between the Kardashian lines.


Spilling the tea so what we all is it well you know it's even weirder as of March 15th Victoria's fire date she happened to like a picture of Jordan woods on Instagram coincidence I think not and whenever this happened we had all these theories as to why Victoria would have?


He guts to basically kind of go against Kylie and like Lauren's, picture like maybe Jordyn. Kylie actually are getting ready to mend their. We know that is not t ue maybe Victoria's jumping ship,
maybe that is actually true now. We know that this firing has happened, I think it's just a little too weird that you know the day she was fired. She liked that picture so, was it in like retaliation against Kylie? I mean, I do not think an interim like this could be that big of a deal but it could eat.


I think, it is like what celebs do on Instagram is so telling because we saw this, they cannot come out. Victoria's not going to be able to come out for a long time and can be like my relationships over with the car Jenner's. She has got to keep quiet so the fact that she gave Jordyn was a double tap. I think it was her confirmation of like I am out and now I am about to drop everything.


You know what I think? I think that I would not be surprised after hearing about Jordyn setting up all of her new deals. I would not be surprised if we saw Victoria and Jordyn overseas up into Dubai breaking into new market. Jordyn is coming up she is going to need a little help and let's be real. We already know Victoria has already been around in the game check it out charity helps someone become a billion and she had this time to gather the things. Probably with Kylie because, Kylie is much more famous so that makes so much rhetoric and Joyner. Kind of have the same idea of what the car Jenner's are really like and now they can sort of do their own thing separate.


I learned and music to help themselves Oh write a tell-all book cause I'm leaving and speaking of Jordyn and Victoria and all the drama Kylie Jenner is over it. She has made zero progress and reaching out to Jordyn, they have not even spoken since Red Table Talk. According to reports, I think this is the biggest piece of information is that we have gotten this week because previously we have heard you know Kylie has learned. She cannot attend any kine of function without Jordyn. She wants to forgive Jordyn eventually in the future so the fact that now we have heard what she has come to terms of the fact Jordyn’s out of your life.


Jordan really did betray Khloe, she is not here for it. She does not time for it, she wants you know Jordyn come get her stuff. They can go their separate ways, I guess it kind of feel like Kylie is one of the more mature women other cards. She is maturing even more I feel like through this situation, she had to grow up because all eyes have been on her and they are like what move is she gonna make not you know. She cannot be immature like maybe something even do, I am being honest like she cannot do what I mean.


I think the security clearance tank taking her off was a little petty move but now she has got a let her back in and come get her. I mean what are they all think that Kylie is even going to be home when Jordan comes to pick up her bags against the window but it's going to be so tainted. You
cannot say like she is getting online are not she is taking it. Whatever new assistant is in her life is going to facilitate that because I think Kylie just wants her to come get her stuff they can go their separate ways and it's over.


I really don't think Kylie wants to have like a sit-down by her pool with like glasses of water with women. They are not going to have their own table over. It's done, it's good but also we got a kiss that badly as we have done with so many other friends like Heather Sanders who is she Tiffany Soria so Kylie is over that now we are over it too.

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