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Leaves Nail Art Using Born Pretty Store BP19...

leaves nail art born pretty store bp 19
CHINA GLAZE Mahogany Magic
KAND Black Stamping Polish


Hi everyone! Born Pretty Store sent me some of their new awesome image plates to review and after they arrived here, I knew I had to play with all of them immediately. Luckily, one of the plates was also perfect for the first entry of Californails' December Nail Art Challenge. Woohoo~

born pretty store bp 19
Born Pretty Store's BP-19 is filled with images of different kinds of leaves. It has four full nail images (1.5 cm by 2 cm) and four smaller ones. I stamped each design once on a plastic lid to see what they'd be like. I must say, I'm pretty impressed with the size of their full nail images. My nails are long and this is the first time I've encountered an image that can cover my nail completely. I didn't have to stretch or redraw anything at all.

leaves nail art born pretty store bp 19
Moving on to the nail art itself, the first theme for the challenge was "nature". I was torn about which image to use but I finally decided on the full  nail one on the left. But first I applied two coats of Mahogany Magic as my base. Then using the decal technique, I was able to fill the leaves with Agro and make them stand out more. Add some top coat and voila~ the leaves nail art is finished.
leaves nail art born pretty store bp 19
My mother keeps saying I should've chosen a lighter base but I really like the dark base and the metallic leaves combo. What do you think? Let me know in the comments section below. Thank you again to Born Pretty Store for sending me this amazing image plate! And thank you all for dropping by and supporting the blog! Good bye and I'll see you again tomorrow!

Sorry I missed posting yesterday! I went gift shopping the whole day and when I arrived at home, I was so exhausted, I fell asleep right away. Maybe I should just stick to online shopping. lol.

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