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AmaZing - Revlon PeachZing, MangoZing

Happy Long Weekend Monday, wooooo~! Seeing Jme's post on Revlon VioletZing last week reminded me that I had unposted Zing comparison photos taken a while ago. Like Jme, most of my old-school Revlons were found bin-diving - gotta love it!

[Bottle to nail: Revlon MangoZing (middle and ring); Index and pinky: Revlon PeachZing]
Today I've got photos of Revlon MangoZing in the bottle and on the nail, with some comparison to PeachZing. =) On my middle and ring fingers, I have MangoZing, with PeachZing on the index and pinky. You can immediately tell that MangoZing is a deeper shade, but they are both quite similar.

[Middle and ring: Revlon MangoZing (2 coats); Index and pinky: Revlon PeachZing (2 coats)]
MangoZing is a bright orange which deepens to vermillion with a slightly purplish tinge at the edges. Very interesting! PeachZing is a bit more subtle with gold fading to orange. Both had decent formulas with opacity reached in two coats.

[Middle and ring: Revlon MangoZing (2 coats); Index and pinky: Revlon PeachZing (2 coats)]
With these polishes, I'm never quite sure if it's a genuine duochrome effect or not. I noticed that with MangoZing, it's almost like the pooling of pigments deepens the shade on the sides of the nail. Either way, these are definitely of the oldy-goody variety!

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