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Healthy Living! from EPRD for September 2017

It's Fall!
How about channeling some of that summer fitness into an EPRD trail race? There's one left this season, the Fall EverGold 10-miler on Oct. 7. Want something shorter and more family friendly? Gather together family and friends to enjoy the Glow Run 5K, a glow-in-the-dark nighttime race at Alderfer/Three Sisters Park - followed by hot drinks and s'mores around a fire!
Healthy Parenting

What to say to kids instead of "be careful." 

Source: Lifehacker.com
Healthy Body

What to do at the gym to get the best results. (Try an EPRD personal training session.)

Healthy Mind

How to meditate when you can’t sit still.

Healthy Planet

Source: Mother Earth News
How to start a compost pile.

Healthy Aging

Keeping a steady, healthy weight as we age also helps keep blood pressure low.

Healthy Eating

Don’t eat lunch at your desk. It's not good for you! Here's why.

Source: Netdoctor.co.uk

EPRD has a large variety of classes at Buchanan Park and Wulf Rec Centers to help you meet your health goals. Find classes and hours on evergreenrecreation.com. We also offer personal training!

Facility Information 

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