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'Avengers: Age Of Ultron' Review

Avengers: Age Of Ultron is a blast. I can guarantee that you will have a very fun experience watching this film. The film starts with a bang and the momentum never drops. I of course am a big Marvel fan, but I was blown away literally every 5 minutes or so with humorous dialogue, character development, or a mindboggling action sequence. Avengers Age Of Ultron is in fact a very light hearted film just like the original despite the very dark foreboding trailers. I was laughing and enjoying myself quite often throughout the movie and for parents reading this review the only thing that I think is potentially scary for young children is Ultron and there is relatively little language that actually becomes a hilarious gag throughout the film. I have noticed prior to domestic release that this film had very mixed positive reviews and I think I can acknowledge the reasons why reactions are mixed but some of the reviews have stated that the film wasn't able to capture the magic of The Avengers, but I really disagree because the magic is captured in the opening scene of the film sure this one doesn't have the build up to the team because they are already a team functioning and working together.The highlights of this film are really the character relationships and development, the stunning visual effects, the intelligent screenwriting, the acting and the mindblowing action. Joss Whedon really is quite gifted in that he can assemble a large ensemble cast, develop all their characters and even establish very fun and inventive character relationships. One aspect of the character relationships and development that I really enjoyed was seeing all of these characters interact once they are adjusted to this new team dynamic. Joss Whedon truly knows how to handle all of these characters so I'm sad to hear he is leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe but I think he deserves to take a break after all of the time he as put into The Avengers and Phase 2. The acting in the film is incredible and readers of this review may be surprised to hear that Hawkeye has a much larger role in this film and I must say the Jeremy Renner really managed to step up to the task and gave an incredible performance. But, regardless of that this is still "everyone's movie," each of the Avenger are given their own moments to shine in the spotlight and there is no character that is placed into the shadows because of it. Robert Downey Jr. is as charming and enjoyable as ever in the role of Tony Stark, Chris Evans continues to really embody Steve Rogers onscreen, and Chris Hemsworth gives what may be his best acting yet but that wasn't a surprise because of their solo films. Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson who also like Jeremy Renner didn't receive a solo film are also given quite a bit of screen time together and I really like the chemistry between their characters. The new additions are welcomed with open arms as Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson both provide great performances as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver but Paul Bettany was amazing as the Vision. This came as a surprise to me because I was aware Vision would be a difficult character to transfer from the comic books to the movies. Another incredible performance was of course James Spader's motion capture and voice performance for Ultron. He embodied what I'm sure many will consider Marvel's best villain yet. The standout action scenes were the Hulkbuster fight and the climactic fight towards the end of the film but all other action sequences are great and very fun as well. Also there's a few brief appearances from supporting characters in Marvel's earlier films. This film certainly sets the roots for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and has the most enjoyable Stan Lee cameo yet and the best post credits scene yet. I can say with confidence that my initial reaction was the best I have ever had for a Marvel film so I deem that this is definitely the best Marvel film yet.

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