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Ford Feels Expendable

Older men can be such drama.

I say this because today brought the happy news that Harrison Ford is joining Sylvester Stallone & Co. in The Expendables 3 – but said high-profile addition to the franchise came at a cost.

And that cost was none other than Bruce Willis.

No, it’s not like Ford refused to work with the Die Hard hero. It’s more like Sly and Willis, former BFF and restaurant partners, are like, on the outs.

Evidently, Stallone tweet-expressed his excitement over having Ford joining him and a bunch of other geezers in the actioner, leaving no room to misinterpret he was happy Willis was “OUT” of the project. And then – meowza! – and then he tweeted that Willis is GREEDY AND LAZY.


So the question is: WTF happened between those two bitches men that the fight has gone viral? (And how aggroyed do you think Ford is that he got caught in all this drama?)

Photo: Zimbio.com.

Update: So here’s what came between Stallone and Willis, y’all: money.

Evidently, Brucey-boo wanted $4 million for his four days of work on the movie. The studio offered him $3 million.

B-boy balked, but the powers that be – chief among them Stallone – balked harder and so they called up Ford, who said yes, and will join Sly, Arnold Schwarzenegger (who probably find this sitch to be like, totally awkward), and Jason Statham in the franchise.

Other newcomers to the fun include Nicolas Cage, Milla Jovovich, Jackie Chan, Kellan Lutz, and Wesley Snipes.

The Expendables 3 is due out next August.

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