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 I love Halloween.

As you can imagine.

I decided spur of the moment to have a bit of a play with some Halloween looks yesterday afternoon. while I'm not happy with a few bits of this paint, I am also impressed that I went in with no real idea of what I was doing and came out with something that reads okay.

It wrecked me though. I made a huge mess of the floor, sink, walls, bedroom and my face. It took forever to remove!

I'd suggest going into a paint like this to have a better plan then I did. I would also say brush selection is of the essence. I chose small thin brushes from Smashbox (see below) and a 266 and 210 from MAC. These are small eyeliner brushes that allow you make the fine lines.

BASE - White face and body foundation from MAC PRO mixed with my usual foundation (nc15 Studio Fix from MAC) to give a weird chalky effect. My suggestion here would be see how white you would like the skin. If its very white then set the foundation (F&B is really slippery and is a dewy foundation which means everything you add over the top won't stick properly unless its set) with white powder (Stargazer make a pretty good white powder foundation and liquid duo)

EYES - I mapped out where I wanted the black to go with a eyeliner pen from MAC (Rapid black) then filled in using a larger flat brush. I used a paint stick from MAC for this in black. Paint sticks are great for filling in large areas of skin where you need a solid build up of colour with no patches. There is a bit of slip to them so make sure you press in a foundation/sheer powder to set. (Catrice do a really cheap but fantastic setting powder which is awesome for this)

BLACK LINES - I switched to acrylic paint from MAC for this. I kept my thin brushes - I really fell in love with this previously unused Smashbox angled liner brush for this. Gorgeous. Add the lines on first with an eyeliner pen then I went over them with the paint. WARNING- This paint is a bugger to remove. I had some serious oil based make up remover on hand for this and even at that it was a struggle. Make sure you are equipped with more then wipes because this is HARD stuff! Another thing to note is that applying AP straight from the bottle can cause it to be runny. I normally use the more aired out stuff in the lid. It seems to be thicker and easier to apply. Draw in the teeth, lines, jaw and around the face. I messed up the bottom row of teeth so, yeah, try not to do that!
 BROWN SHADING - I used a dark limited edition NARS eyeshadow for this. I cannot remember the name and also, its since been discontinued so it doesn't matter! I would suggest to you to make sure these shadows are matte as glitter would be really confusing! I then added Bobbi Brown eyeshadow in Toast to places to blend it out a bit. I'm a bit gutted my blending isn't more coherent. I feel that is one of the bigger issues I have with this piece.

WHITE HIGHLIGHTS - I added a bit of white acrylic paint in places to highlight. Although I blended it out a bit so it wasn't just sitting there. Again the same warnings apply with the black as they do with the white.

 DO OVER - I think if I was to redo this I would be more careful with my lines and my blending. I cannot bear badly blended things. However, time was seriously a factor with this. I had a full skeleton face on at 5pm and possible friends coming for make up at 7ish so I had very little time to really work on it. I think Halloween make ups are the best fun but also time consuming and draining. I'm hoping to work on a few in the run up to Halloween.

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