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Week 385: There's Mystic Flowing in the Air

Weekly Written Review 

In the words of Bob Marley, "There's a natural Mystic Flowing in the Air." I booked possibly the most signficiant booking of my career. The reason for that is because the role I booked requires me to have a SAG card. Let's get it. God willing this is going to oepn up a whole new dimenion of big bookings in my career. I'm ready! Let's get it. In addition to that, I'm on hold for another project. Both bookings are from auditions this same week and they're not the only great auditions I completed this week. Let more goodness pour down in 386. As side from that, I was a bit sick this week. It started last Saturday (Week 384). The Friday before, I played a lot of basketball and a few hours later I was playing a lot of tennis. I think I over worked my body. It's all good. I'm generally under the weather once a year. Yet, I don't recall blowing my nose so much. Further, I've been slowly but surely removing the mucus out of my system.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

* (2) Audition videos sent (Young basketball player & Radio DJ)

* Sligiht under the weather

Monday, January 29, 2018

* Skype audition for Wheelchair boy

* Phone call with Casting Director NW. Screenplay talk.

* Under the weather...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

* Audition video sent "The Orderly"

* Computer work...

* Casting Frointer upgrading

* Under the weather...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

* Audition (The Last Blackman in San Franciso

* Ralphs

* (2) Audition videos sent

* Under the weather...recovering...getting better

Thursday, February 1, 2018

* Basketball...

* Audition video sent (Dough)

* Put on avail for a project

Friday, February 2, 2018

* Wheelchair Boy booking... Whoop whoop!

* Actors Access upgrading...new photos

* LA Casting upgrading...new photos

Saturday, February 3, 2018

* Commerical audition

* Trader Joe's

* Audition video sent

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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