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And with morning arriving to chase away the night, daytime brought a new world order.  Gone was the darkness of yesterday.  Last night was the final battle that did away with all that.  Tonight brings a brand new world order with fresh changes to the delight of everybody.  The films we watch are now cooler with better plots and a more coherent storyline that actually makes sense.  The television shows we watch are equally better constructed.  Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is now made with actual cheese.  Hunt Barbecue Sauce is now made with actual tomatoes.  So you know that today is a bright new world order if all the films, television shows, macaroni and cheese dinners and Hunt Barbecue Sauce are better and much more exciting.  So let's all celebrate the new world order by flooding into the movie theater to celebrate today by watching a cool exciting movie.  Purchase jumbo sized popcorn and Pepsi soda pop.  And don't forget to shop at Walmart in celebration of this brand new world order.  There are a few specials that simply can't be missed.
And as I'm lost in thought with the sun shining to bless this brand new day, here are some photos of Kate Mara hanging out with her fellow Fantastic Four (The 3rd film installment) cast member Jamie Bell (She played Sue Storm #2 and he played Ben Grimm #2). 

 Kate Mara

 Kate Mara and Jamie Bell

 Kate Mara
 Kate Mara and Jamie Bell

 Kate Mara

 Jamie Bell and Kate Mara

 Kate Mara and Jamie Bell

 Kate Mara

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